Workshops & Webinars
Explore the 9 professional development workshops and webinars we offer below. All trainings can be tailored to your specific needs and grade level. Contact us for a price quote or to schedule a training.
Teaching 101
This practical, confidence-building training is designed to support new (or new to teaching) K-12 educators. Through modeling and guided practice, participants will learn foundational skills for creating a safe, structured, and supportive learning environment. Whether fresh out of college or starting a new career, this workshop will allow novice teachers to start strong and feel secure in their ability to successfully manage any teaching environment.
Teaching 101
This practical, confidence-building training is designed to support new (or new to teaching) K-12 educators. Through modeling and guided practice, participants will learn foundational skills for creating a safe, structured, and supportive learning environment. Whether fresh out of college or starting a new career, this workshop will allow novice teachers to start strong and feel secure in their ability to successfully manage any teaching environment.
What You Will Learn
- How to find your “teacher voice” and project inner confidence
- How to calmly and respectfully hold ground with resistant students
- How to use non-verbal techniques to reinforce key classroom transitions and build consistency
- How to establish positive relationships and build classroom community
Training Details
- Appropriate for all grade levels, K-12
- Relevant for new (or new to profession) teachers, mentors, aides, & subs
- Addresses the needs of most student populations, including general ed, special ed, language learners, and disadvantaged populations
- Available as in-person workshop only
- Maximum 100 participants
Conscious Classroom Management
This lively, interactive training will give K-12 educators dozens of practical strategies they can use tomorrow to better manage student behavior and learning, including how to turn confrontation into cooperation. Both prevention and intervention techniques are shared and modeled. Every participant will walk away with the tools they need to create the learning environment they’ve always wanted.
What You Will Learn
- How to see the best in your toughest students
- How to teach and reinforce procedures in ways that maximize focus
- How to use consequences to teach personal responsibility
- How to de-escalate volatile situations with oppositional students
Training Details
- Appropriate for all grade levels, K-12
- Relevant for teachers, mentors, leaders, counselors, aides, & subs
- Addresses the needs of most student populations, including general ed, special ed, language learners, and disadvantaged populations
- Available as in-person workshop or virtual webinar
- Maximum 100 participants
Teaching with Trauma in Mind
In this eye-opening training, K-12 educators will learn how trauma affects students’ brains and behaviors, and what can be done about it. Multiple easy-to-implement techniques for fostering resilient relationships, reducing emotional triggers, redirecting off-task behavior, and teaching self-regulation will be presented and practiced. Every participant will walk away personally rejuvenated and professionally inspired to meet the needs of their most fragile students.
Teaching with Trauma in Mind
In this eye-opening training, K-12 educators will learn how trauma affects students’ brains and behaviors, and what can be done about it. Multiple easy-to-implement techniques for fostering resilient relationships, reducing emotional triggers, mitigating learning stress, and teaching self-regulation will be presented and practiced. Every participant will walk away personally rejuvenated and professionally inspired to meet the needs of their most fragile students.
What You Will Learn
- How trauma and toxic stress negatively impact learning
- How to forge and maintain resilient relationships
- How to use non-verbal discipline structures to reduce trauma triggers and increase cooperation
- How to teach and use self-regulation techniques
Training Details
- Appropriate for all grade levels, K-12
- Relevant for teachers, mentors, leaders, counselors, aides, & subs
- Addresses the needs of student populations suffering from trauma, toxic stress, or other deficits that affect learning and behavior
- Available as in-person workshop or virtual webinar
- Maximum 100 participants
The Engaged Brain
This entertaining and fast-paced training will give K-12 educators dozens of brain-based strategies that can be used right away to keep students of varying abilities and learning styles involved and motivated to learn. Participants will learn, practice, and have modeled for them specific ways to increase movement, creative thinking, content-based talk, general participation and more during direct instruction and beyond.
What You Will Learn
- How to actively engage students during direct instruction
- How to create student-centered learning that addresses multiple learning styles
- How to increase movement, laughter, and content-based talk
- How neuroscience informs excellent teaching & learning
Training Details
- Appropriate for all grade levels, K-12
- Relevant for teachers, mentors, leaders, and aides
- Addresses the needs of most student populations, including general ed, special ed, language learners, and disadvantaged populations
- Available as in-person workshop or virtual webinar
- Maximum 100 participants
Participation By Design
In this interactive and entertaining training, K-12 educators will learn how to increase student participation in class discussions, Q&A, turn-and-talk, and partner work. A dozen techniques for designing better individual and partner structures will be presented, practiced, and modeled. Take away specific, concrete strategies for putting reluctant learners firmly, but gently, on the hook for participating in the learning.
Participation By Design
In this interactive and entertaining training K-12 educators will learn how to increase student participation in class discussions, turn-and-talk, group work, and homework. A dozen techniques for designing better peer and group structures will be presented, practiced, and modeled. Take away specific, concrete strategies for putting reluctant learners firmly, but gently, on the hook for participating in the learning.
What You Will Learn
- How to increase volunteers during whole class discussions
- How to overcome “I don’t know” when random-calling
- How to create moments of total participation during any lesson
- How to quickly improve participation during turn & talk and equitable effort during partner work
Training Details
- Appropriate for all grade levels, K-12
- Relevant for teachers, mentors, and leaders
- Addresses the needs of most student populations, including general ed, special ed, language learners, and disadvantaged populations
- Available as in-person workshop or virtual webinar
- Maximum 100 participants
Do I Have Your Attention?
This insightful and fun training will give K-12 educators a wealth of brain-based strategies to help students of all ages and abilities improve their attention and content retention in class. Participants will experience and practice concrete ways to increase focus, active listening, and memory formation, while strategically decreasing classroom distractions and wasted time.
What You Will Learn
- How to get and maintain student attention
- How to give directions in a way that students can hear and follow
- How to understand and work with the limit of memory and forgetfulness
- How to create equitable and worthwhile homework policies
Training Details
- Appropriate for all grade levels, K-12
- Relevant for teachers, mentors, leaders, aides, & subs
- Addresses the needs of most student populations, including general ed, special ed, language learners, and disadvantaged populations
- Available as in-person workshop or virtual webinar
- Maximum 100 participants
Great Group Work
In this practical and enjoyable training, K-12 educators will learn how to effectively design and implement excellent group work and/or learning centers. Multiple techniques for teaching efficient transitions, differentiating learning tasks, choosing rigorous collaborative roles, setting time limits, and creating accountability will be shared and practiced. Take the stress out of group work, centers, and group presentations with these easy-to-implement strategies.
Great Group Work
In this practical and enjoyable training, K-12 educators will learn how to effectively design and implement excellent group work and/or learning centers. Multiple techniques for teaching efficient transitions, differentiating learning tasks, choosing rigorous collaborative roles, setting time limits, and creating accountability will be shared and practiced. Take the stress out of group work, centers, and group presentations with these easy-to-implement strategies.
What You Will Learn
- How to structure effective group work, including how to strategically form groups and differentiate tasks
- How to get equitable participation from all group members
- How to teach and reinforce seamless physical group transitions
- How to fairly grade group work and presentations
Training Details
- Appropriate for all grade levels, K-12
- Relevant for teachers, mentors, and leaders
- Addresses the needs of most student populations, including general ed, special ed, language learners, and disadvantaged populations
- Available as in-person workshop only
- Maximum 60 participants
Support That Sticks
In this practical and engaging workshop, K-12 mentors, instructional coaches, and support providers will learn what to do when cognitive coaching and reflective questioning have taken them as far as they can go with a struggling teacher. Particpants will learn, practice, and have modeled for them how to use assertive language, how to apply candid coaching techniques, and how to overcome various types of resistance from defensive teachers.
What You Will Learn
- How to create openness & rapport with struggling teachers
- How to respond to deflections and defensiveness while coaching
- How to have hard conversations & share difficult truths
- How to use candid coaching techniques to get commitments for change
Training Details
- Appropriate for all school levels, K-12
- Relevant for mentors, instructional coaches, and leaders
- Addresses the needs of struggling teachers, both novice and veteran
- Available as in-person workshop only
- Limit 60 participants per training
The Leading Edge
In this fast-paced training for school leaders, K-12 administrators will learn simple yet innovative ways to build postive relationships with staff and then leverage those relationships to press for difficult, but necesary, schoolwide changes. Practical strategies will be shared for winning over a reluctant staff, creating a culture of positive experimentation, and improving classroom and schoolwide discipline.
The Leading Edge
In this fast-paced training for school leaders, K-12 administrators will learn simple yet innovative ways to build postive relationships with staff and then leverage those relationships to press for difficult, but necesary, schoolwide changes. Practical strategies will be shared for winning over a reluctant staff, creating a culture of positive experimentation, and improving classroom and schoolwide discipline.
What You Will Learn
- How to create buy-in with a resistant staff
- How to improve discipline structures and reduce referrals
- How to create and sustain change over time
- How to address opposition to change
Training Details
- Appropriate for all school levels, K-12
- Relevant for leaders and administrators
- Addresses the needs of school sites seeking schoolwide change
- Available as in-person workshop only
- Limit 60 participants per training